Shipping Policy
Free Shipping
In our constant endeavor to keep our customers happy, we usually offer free shipping within the 48 contiguous United States.
At this moment we only ship within the 48 contiguous United States. We do not ship to Hawaii, Alaska, US territories, P.O. Boxes, APO, FPO and DPO addresses. We do not ship anywhere else in the world.
Order Confirmation
As soon as you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation email. This means that we have received your order in our system and pre-authorized your credit card for the purchase. Once we receive your order, we automatically reach out to our suppliers to confirm that the item is in stock and available for immediate shipment. If your item is unavailable, we will void the pre-authorization and reach out to you via email. If your item(s) are available, we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment.
Order Shipment
If your order is in stock and we process the charges to your credit card, it will usually ship within 2 business days from the date of your order. We will send you tracking information within 24-48 hours of your order leaving the warehouse to the email address you provided when checking out. If you do not receive tracking information from us within 5 business days of your order, feel free to follow up with us at . All orders are shipped using standard shipping for which usually the estimated transit time within the USA is between 1-5 days. However, we are not responsible for any delay in transit by the shipping company as that is outside of our reasonable control.
When you place an order containing multiple items whether in a bundle or otherwise, you may receive more than one package at separate times even though you ordered everything together.
If a shipment is returned back to us as customer was not available to receive the delivery or customer refused the delivery without any damage, the customer will be charged the shipping cost for shipping the item both ways, 5% to cover for our order processing related costs plus any other cost that we incur. The customer will only be refunded the remaining amount once we receive the shipment back.
Damages in Transit
Please be sure to thoroughly inspect the item(s) when they arrive. If your item(s) arrive damaged in transit, it is best to refuse the item(s) back to the carrier attempting delivery. Please email us on immediately of the refusal. If you accept the package, please take pictures of the damage and make sure the damage is noted on the carrier’s delivery record in order for us to file a damage claim. Please hold on to the merchandise and the original box and packing it arrived in as it is and notify immediately on for us to arrange for a carrier inspection and pick up of the damaged merchandise. It is very important to note the damage on the carrier’s delivery record because if the damage in not noted at the time of delivery, you accept the item as is.
Shipping Information
Please make sure the shipping address and information provided by you is correct. We are not responsible for any losses, including missing parcels, package damage, losses as a result of delay, and other losses caused by incorrect shipping address/information that customers have provided.